Perfect PDF 10 Premium as gift
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Perfect PDF 10 Premium as gift

Thanks to all Perfect PDF® users!

We would like to thank the numerous, loyal Perfect PDF® users and have a small gift ready for all those who still use an older version of the software: the full version Perfect PDF® 10 Premium.

Version 12 is available: Perfect PDF® 12 comes with a modern interface, familiar and new functionality. Test it now!

How to get Perfect PDF® 10 Premium?

It’s very simple: enter your product key of the old version 7, 8 or 9 in the field below. You will then be redirected to the customer account login. If you have already created an account, please log in. If not, please create one first. You can find your old product key printed on the CD or on the manual or in the purchase email if you purchased a download.

Now please enter your product key (8 numbers):

If you have an even older version (5 or 6) of Perfect PDF®, please send us a request with your product key via the contact form in the customer account.