PDF Xpansion SDK
Version 16
20 Years of Innovation

Royalty Free

Simple Upgrades

Integrate PDF functionality into your software

More core functions
Viewing and processing dynamic forms (XFA format) for C++ and .NET applications can also become part of your software: Preview in the viewer (without filling in the forms), printing, using the API to access form data (read & fill). The SDK supports Universal Windows Platform (UWP) in addition to the latest Windows operating systems.
Well-known companies rely on PDF Xpansion technology

Other customersReferences

What’s new in PDF Xpansion SDK 16?
- Export of XRechnung in UN/CEFACT syntax as UBL syntax
- Support for XRechnung 3.0
- Support for ZUGFeRD 2.2
- Sign PDF documents with third-party solutions or own crypto providers
- PDF viewer optimizations
- Improved quality of PDF/A conversion (PDF/A-1 to 4)
PDF-Editor functionality
- Recreate PDF page content
- Determine PDF page content for editing, edit texts, images, vectors freely
- Create and edit form fields
- Page management: resize, rotate, add, remove pages, etc.
- Separate, merge documents. Assemble pages (contents)
- Structuring documents: Layers, Embedded Files, Metadata, Tagged PDF, Articles (Sections), Portfolio
Annotation tools
PDF Xpansion SDK 16 by soft Xpansion supports all types of annotations defined in the PDF specification, among others:
- Text marking, notes, stamps, watermarks
- Text box & label, pen, eraser, shapes (line, square, circle, etc.)
- Media and 3D comments
- Forms and digital signatures
- Attachments as comments, feedback & status indicators for comments.
- nteractive tools for adding all types of comments.
PDF/A fucntionality
With the developer library you can include in your applications functions for creating PDF/A-1-, PDF/A-2-, PDF/A-3 and PDF/A-4-files. All currently existing conformance levels (a, b, u) of the PDF/A format are supported. In contrast to PDF/A-1, the PDF/A-2 standard allows, among other things, compression with JPG2000, transparent elements and PDF layers. PDF/A-2 files may also embed PDF/A documents. In files that comply with the PDF/A-3 standard, not only PDF/A files but any files may be embedded. Thus, for example, the source file can be embedded in a PDF/A-3 file as part of an archive solution or an XML file for invoice processing systems using ZUGFeRD solution.
PDF-Viewer functionality
- High performance viewer
- Basic functionality: render pages, display, zoom, navigation, display modes
- Search documents incl. advanced search
- Links, Bookmarks (Table of Contents, Outline), Named Destinations
- Interactive end-user tools: magnifying glass and snapshot, tracker tool (incl. insertion of
notes, stamps, watermarks), rectangle tool (incl. insertion of fields, references, etc.), text selection, marking, text box, stylus, pen, eraser, vector shapes - PDF comments management
- Dynamic notes: text markup, annotations & pen, shapes
- Fill in and save forms
- Digital signatures – validate and sign, timestamp
- Media Player API
- View and print eBook formats (EPUB&MOBI)

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