PDF Xpansion SDK at ComponentSource
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PDF Xpansion SDK at ComponentSource

PDF Xpansion SDK Products

The following  products can be bought directly on the soft Xpansion pages at our distribution partner ComponentSource.com! Information on the products´ pricing, license conditions, support, subscriptions and details on the features is also available on their web site.

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eInvoicing Creation

PDF Xpansion SDK: eInvoicing Creation

Fast & Efficient Electronic Invoice Creation ComponentSource

The product is made to create electronic invoices that have the specifications FACTUR-X, ZUGFeRD or XRechnung. It offers the following:

  • Creation of XML invoices (XML files) with PDF Xpansion SDK API, support of all profiles defined in the three specifications.
  • Creation of PDF/A-3 invoices, either based on already existing compliant XML files or after having previously created such files with the API.
  • Conversion of existing simple, unstructured PDF to PDF/A-3.
  • eInvoicing Creation on ComponentSource

    eInvoicing Receipt

    PDF Xpansion SDK: eInvoicing Receipt

    Fast & Efficient Electronic Invoice Processing
    FACTUR-X, ZUGFeRD & XRechnung
    EN 16931-1 compliant

    The product is made to process incoming electronic invoices that have the specifications FACTUR-X, ZUGFeRD or XRechnung. It offers the following:

  • Extract XML invoice, including validation of embedding.
  • Read invoice data including validation of XML structure.
  • Support of all profiles currently possible according to the mentioned eInvoicing specifications, including the “Extended” profile.
  • eInvoicing Receipt on ComponentSource

    eInvoicing Receipt Plus

    PDF Xpansion SDK: eInvoicing Receipt Plus

    Fast & Efficient Electronic Invoice Processing
    FACTUR-X, ZUGFeRD & XRechnung
    EN 16931-1 compliant

    The product is made to process incoming electronic invoices that have the specifications FACTUR-X, ZUGFeRD or XRechnung. It offers the following:

  • Extract XML invoice, including validation of embedding
  • Read invoice data including validation of XML structure
  • Support of all profiles currently possible according to the mentioned eInvoicing specifications, including the “Extended” profile
  • PLUS: Visualize XML invoice if the users of your application need a visual representation of it, and they can read like a “normal”, non-structured document (generate a PDF readable for humans, using XML file and a predefined design template, the design template comes with the product)
  • Additional option: ask to create a specific design template according to your requirements (template and price subject to separate request)
  • eInvoicing Receipt Plus on ComponentSource

    PDF/A Converter

    PDF Xpansion SDK: PDF/A Converter

    PDF/A-1,-2, -3 or -4
    Conformity Levels a, b, u, f & e
    ISO 32000

    The PDF/A Converter enables your application to open a PDF file or stream & to convert it to any PDF/A version (1, 2, 3, 4) and conformity level (a, b, u, f, e). You can buy and use each PDF/A version separately, while the decision for a specific version automatically entitles you to support all conformity levels of that version.

    PDF Xpansion SDK PDF/A Converter on ComponentSource

    PDF Xpansion SDK PDF/A Converter
    PDF Viewer
    PDF Xpansion SDK Viewer

    PDF Xpansion SDK: PDF Viewer

    High Performance

    The PDF Viewer is a powerful component to seamlessly implement modern document viewing functionality into Business-to-Business, Business-to-Government and Business-to-Consumer applications for UWP apps and desktop programs.

    PDF Viewer on ComponentSource

    HTML to PDF
    PDFHTML to PDF Converter

    PDF Xpansion SDK: HTML to PDF Converter

    For UWP Apps
    For Desktop Programs
    Including HTML Structure

    The HTML to PDF Converter creates PDF files from single html files and from complete html structures (linked html files, including images and subfolders). The HTML content may come both from local files and via HTTP/HTTPS connections (online web sites).

    HTML to PDF Converter on ComponentSource

    Combine & Split

    PDF Xpansion SDK: PDF Combiner and Splitter

    Hyperlinks, Bookmarks
    Annotations, Form Fields

    The PDF Combiner & Splitter enables your application to merge existing PDF files to one file (combine them) or split one PDF file into separate files and save the result.

    PDF Combiner and Splitter on ComponentSource

    PDF Combiner and Splitter
    PDF Printer
    PDF Document Printer

    PDF Xpansion SDK: PDF Document Printer

    Print Output, from any application that is capable to print

    The PDF Document Printer enables your application to create print output both on a real printer (hardware) and on a virtual printer.

    PDF Document Printer on ComponentSource

    PDF To Image

    PDF Xpansion SDK: PDF to Image Converter

    Define Image DPI

    The PDF to Image Converter is a component that quickly creates raster image files from PDF documents or document pages for various purposes.

    PDF to Image Converter on ComponentSource

    PDF to Image Converter
    Text Finder and Extractor
    PDF Xpansion SDK Text Finder and Extractor

    PDF Xpansion SDK: Text Finder and Extractor

    Export in Plain Text (.txt)
    Search forward & backward

    The PDF Finder & Extractor enables your application to open a PDF file or stream, then to search for specific text strings and/or to export the whole text that is included in the PDF from it to a separate plain text file.

    Text Finder and Extractor on ComponentSource