Perfect PDF 12 - purchase selected features

Perfect PDF® 12 – purchase selected features

Pick your features!

Only the required PDF functions (Feature table) for various needs as an annual subscription or a lifetime license can be purchased here. Please click the corresponding checkboxes in the list.
Volume discounts: from 2 licenses on, staggered discounts apply: 10% for 2 licenses, 20% for 3, 25% for 4 und 30% for 5. The product has only one installation with all possible functions (the license unlocks only the purchased functionality), as well as the trial and reader version, the setup is available in the customer account. To be able to use this product via a Remote Desktop Service, a Multi User License is required. An overview of Perfect PDF® 12 is available on the program page.

Billing period
Annual subscription
One time fee
Basic Functionality
Create PDFs with Perfect PDF® printer

The Perfect PDF® printer is a normal Windows printer that allows you to create PDF documents from any printable Windows application. The created PDF documents can be opened in Perfect PDF® program or saved to PDF files automatically.close

Create PDFs from text and image files (incl. SVG and EMF), scan pages direct to PDF

Perfect PDF® can import any plain text files to the PDF documents using specified page and text format. Also many raster formats (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF), vector formats (SVG, EMF) and scanned images can be imported to a PDF document.close

Create PDFs from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint files

Perfect PDF® can import Word, Excel, PowerPoint files, including links and bookmarks, comments and provides many other import options. This function requires an appropriately installed Microsoft Office application.close

Create PDFs from Microsoft Outlook mails and objects, including attachments

Perfect PDF® can import Outlook emails (HTML and text), tasks, etc. Email attachments can be embedded (Office formats as PDFs optionally) to resulting PDF. This function requires Microsoft Outlook to be installed.close

Combine & split PDF files

Perfect PDF® can combine multiple PDF or other importable files to a PDF document (appropiate import features are required for import). Also one PDF document can be splitted into a number of PDF files (one page or a whole set per file).close

Create PDFs from single HTML files

Perfect PDF® can import single HTML to a PDF document preserving formatting (incl. CSS formatting) and images. Dynamic content (JavaScript) is not supported.close

Convert between PDF and XPS/OXPS formats

Perfect PDF® can import any XPS/OXPS file to a PDF document or export a PDF document to XPS/OXPS file.close

Export plain text and pages as raster images

Perfect PDF® can export plain text from a PDF document to a text file. Also selected page range from any opened document can be saved as the set of raster files (JPEG or PNG, one page per file) in preferred resolution.close

Encrypt and password protect PDFs, specify restrictions on use

Perfect PDF® provides encryption and decryption of password protected files using RC4 and AES algorithms. It allows to specify end user permissions for the content of PDF document.close

Sign PDFs digitally, optionally with graphic signature and trusted timestamp

Perfect PDF® can sign PDF files digitally to prevent unauthorized content changes and provide verification of the author's identity and trusted timestamp. It uses cerificates from Windows storage and from PFX files.close

Manage pages of PDFs (insert, remove, reorder, resize, crop, etc.)

Perfect PDF® can manage pages of PDF document - insert new pages, delete and reorder pages, change size and orientation of pages, crop them, specify page labels.close

Decorate pages of PDFs - letterheads, backgrounds, headers, footers, watermarks, layers

Perfect PDF® provides powerful possibilities to manage decoration of pages, it can add (or replace) letterheads, headers, footers watermarks at the pages. You can prepare own galleries with templates of these elements and use its in one click.close

Manage navigation within a document - links, bookmarks, table of content

Perfect PDF® can manage navigation elements of PDF document - add, remove and edit links, bookmarks and table of content.close

Comment PDFs - text markup, redactions and text boxes, sticky notes, stamps and watermarks

Perfect PDF® provides many comment tools: text markup and text boxes, sticky notes, stamps and watermarks can be added or edited. Also powerful redaction tool for markup and finalizing of redactions.close

Comment PDFs - ink and shape, media & 3D annotations

Perfect PDF® provides many comment tools: free draw to the ink annotations, add shapes: lines and arrows, rectangles and circles, polylines and polygones.close

Attach files to the PDF - embedded files and attachment annotations

Perfect PDF® can attach files to PDF documents, either by simple embedding or by attaching comments.close

Create and edit interactive PDF forms

Perfect PDF® is a designer of interactive forms, create new forms or edit existing forms - all allowed field types: edit field, checkboxes and radio buttons, comboboxes and listboxes, pushbuttons and barcodes.close

Edit content of the pages

Perfect PDF® is a powerful editor of page content, edit and format text, add and place images. Image editior includedclose

Business Functionality
Optimize PDF documents and files

Perfect PDF® can optimize size and perfomances of your PDFs: change compression of data streams and images, correct brocken relationships in the internal structure, etc.close

Convert PDFs to archivable PDF/A, versions 1, 2, 3, 4

Perfect PDF® can convert any PDF file to the PDF/A format which is allowed for long-term archivation of documents.close

Manage events and actions of PDF document, edit JavaScript in the PDF

Perfect PDF® can manage all PDF format specified events and actions for these events. It allows to embed and edit JavaScript in the PDF documents, assign and edit JavaScript of the PDF events.close

Sign PDFs with PAdES and multiple signatures, make document timestamps and certification

Additionally to the basic signing feature, Perfect PDF® can sign PDF files with PAdES signatures (inc. LT-level), certification and multiple signatures. It can save PDF documents with timestamp of trusted authorities.close

Create PDFs from multiple linked HTML files (or web pages)

Perfect PDF® can import multiple HTMLs (linked structure of files, e.g. complete documentation of something) to a PDF document preserving formating (incl. CSS formating), links and images. Dynamic content (JavaScript) is not supported.close

Create PDFs from eBooks (EPUB, FB2)

Perfect PDF® can import eBooks (EPUB and FB2 formats) to PDF documents preserving formating, images, links and table of content.close

Compare PDF documents

Perfect PDF® can compare text of two PDF documents and mark any changes there.close

Perfect Print (smart printing of documents)

Redesign documents, placing multiple pages on one sheet (grid layout), booklets and poster printing - output to paper or PDF. Image editor included. Read more.close

Use this product within Remote Desktop Connection

When the Perfect PDF® is installed on a workstation, a standard license allows it to be used only by users of that workstation. This feature allows the product to be used by users from other workstations using the Remote Desktop Connection.close

E-Invoices (ZUGFeRD/Factur-X and XRechnung)

Perfect PDF® offers numerous features for creating, processing and converting electronic invoices in the XRechnung, ZUGFeRD and Factur-X formats.close



Current selection:

Your Perfect PDF 12 currently includes only free Reader features.