PDF Xpansion SDK Version 15
The PDF Developer Tool provides powerful APIs to help you develop PDF/XPS-enabled applications and/or software solutions. Among other things, it offers you a wide range of options for creating and editing PDF, PDF/A or XPS documents, for displaying and printing them on paper, for converting between these formats, exporting and/or importing from/to other file formats. With this API, you can easily integrate PDF functions into both Windows desktop applications for the PC and Windows Apps.
A ZUGFeRD, Factur-X and XRechnung API was added to the PDF SDK for Eu-compliant invoicing according to standard 16931.
What’s New?
- Compare text (diff procedure) in two PDF documents, mark changes to show in the viewer or to save as text markup
- Improved rendering of PDF content
- Support of all current formats/specifications for sending and receiving eInvoices: ZUGFeRD 1.0 to 2.1.1 (all profiles) and Factur-X, XRechnung up to and including version 2.1.1(valid from February 1, 2022)
- Support of UBL syntax for import of data from XRechnung (to UN/CEFACT)
- Visualize XML invoices (generate PDF using XML invoice and design template): convert content of XML to PDF, and place the content in a predefined invoice layout design
- Reformat invoice from one standard to another: open a format standard, convert & save
- Extended features for electronic signatures: Certification signatures, document time stamps
- PAdES signatures: verification of all conformance levels, signing with B (Basic) & T (Time) conformance levels; signing with LT (Long-Term-Validation) & LTA (Long-Term Availability and Integrity of Validation) conformance levels
- Embedding of time stamps according to ISO 32000-2 and to RFC 3161 protocol into electronic signatures

Electronic invoices instead of paper!
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Functional Scope of PDF Xpansion SDK 15
Detailed information can be found at bottom of this page.
- Support of Windows 10 and of UWP (Universal Windows Platform) for applications for all Windows 10 devices
– API: comprehensive validation of incoming ZUGFeRD files (electronic invoices), read structured und unstructured invoice data, display and / or print PDF part of invoice in viewer, save outgoing invoices as ZUGFeRD compliant files (including conversion of visual part of invoice to PDF/A-3 format and invoice data to embedded XML attachment), Support of all ZUGFeRD profiles
- API for Factur-X and XRechnung
- Fully adequate Page Content Editor Tool in PDF viewer: enables end user to edit content of pages
- Conversion from/to several formats: XPS/OXPS, TXT, raster images, SVG, EMF, HTML, MathML, DOCX
- Support of nearly all world languages
- Display and process dynamic forms (XFA format) for applications created with C++ and .NET: preview in viewer (without filling possibility), printing.
- Usage of API for access to form data (read & fill)
- Create new page content in PDF-files
- Determine page content, texts, images or vectors for free editing
- Create and edit form fields
- Site Management: enlarge the site, rotate, add, delete etc.
- Split or merge documents, arrange the sites or the content
- Structuring of documents, levels, embedded files, meta data, tagged PDF, article (sections), portfolio
- Basic Functionality: render, display pages, zoom, navigation, display modes
- Search in documents, including advanced search
- Links, bookmarks (table of contents, structure), named destinations
- Interactive end user tools, magnifier and snapshot; Tracker tool (including insertion of notes, stamps, water marks); rectangle tool (insertion of fields, hyperlinks etc.), text selection and text marking, text boxes, stylus, eraser, vector forms
- Management of PDF annotations
- Dynamic notes: text-mark up, annotations, stylus, forms
- Fill in and save forms
- Digital signatures: validate, sign, timestamp
- Media Player API
- Text marks, notes, stamps, water marks
- Text box and marking, stylus, eraser, forms (lines, square, circle, etc.)
- Media- and 3D-annotations
- Forms and digital signatures
- Annexes as annotations, feedback & status displays for annotations
- Interactive tools to add all type of annotations
- Windows – applications and services written in C++ like the classic Windows x86/x64 programs
- DotNET – .NET Framework applications
- COM platform (Embarcadero environment and OLE Automation languages)
- UWP – applications for all Windows 10 devices
- Windows Store applications for Windows 8.1
Please read more about the system requirements for the applications developed with PDF Xpansion SDK.
- PDF functionality: creating and processing of PDF documents. Covert PDF documents from other formats, open, save, encode, and digitally sign PDF documents. Manage document pages, create and edit annotations, convert, merge and split files, create and process forms and much more. An especially important functionality: the creation of new documents and editing existing ones with the PDF editor. PDF/A-1, -2, -3 are supported as well.
- XPS functionality: processing of XPS documents. For the XPS format, there are many functions available as well: first of all, the conversion of XPS to PDF and vice versa. You can also change the document structure, render pages and much more.
- Viewer functionality: The viewer is a window or control (depending the development platform) that displays PDF, XPS or other documents and processes for end user activity (touchscreen, mouse and keyboard input). The viewer supports different layouts of displayed document, free zooming and several fit modes.Interactive tools for annotations and forms processing, page content editor tool are available as well.
- Other functionality: e-invoicing (ZUGFeRD documents), JavaScript support, text recognition (OCR), XFA forms (preview, print, access form data), etc.
Trial version
To test the performance and the functions, you can download the PDF Library here. Make full use of the SDK functions, with a test watermark applied to the PDF pages. Numerous examples will help you get started quickly. In the “Getting started” chapter of the reference document included within the trial version, you will also find an introduction.
System requirements
Learn more about the system requirements for the applications developed with PDF Xpansion SDK.
PDF Xpansion SDK 14
PDF SDK version 14 is still available. Informationen & Trial version can be found on the corresponding page.
Technical Details
Perfect PDF®: Windows Store Apps
As an additional test of the PDF Xpansion SDK, you can try our Windows Store apps. Up to now, we can look back on more than 500,000 downloads for these apps. They have been developed completely with the PDF Xpansion SDK.
Perfect PDF®: Desktop programs
All PDF programs which can be bought in theOnline Shop were also completely developed with the PDF Xpansion SDK.
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